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Smokey Clothing & Linens

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Odd Ball Laundry

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What is a Duvet?

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Where to buy Brio Stain Bar

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Aloha Operators Social Media Content

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Smokey Clothing & Linens

Started by Sunny Bert 1 Replies Last Reply 1 year ago by Colleen

Stained hat trick

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Rifle Cases

Started by Sunny Bert 1 Replies Last Reply 1 year ago by Colleen

Aloha Operators Social Media Content

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Commercial Grade Whitener

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Linens and Towels

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Smokey Clothing & Linens

  • Started by Sunny Bert

    I have been working with quite a bit of laundry from house fires. I have been pre-washing in a vinegar and baking soda mixture, then using the Roux Maison sport detergent in the main wash. This has worked extremely well to get the laundered clothes back in shape to return to the customer.

  • Started by Colleen

    Smoke is surprisingly “greasy.” If a film remains in your washer drum – after you are finished run a quick wash with Pine-Sol or similar. That will cut that greasy film that sticks to washer drums, outfall pipes and drain troughs.

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